Michael Jackson
29 augustus 1958 - 25 juni 2009
This is it...
Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse popzanger. Hij geldt als een van de succesvolste artiesten van de 20e eeuw, zo niet de succesvolste. Jackson onderscheidt zich door zijn herkenbare castraatachtige zangstem, zijn typische dansbewegingen en zijn grote muzikale diversiteit.In zijn topperiode, het begin van de jaren '80, was Michael Jackson één van de grootste popsterren. Hij bereikte zijn grootste succes met het album Thriller, dat met bijna 108 miljoen verkochte exemplaren al meer dan 25 jaar geldt als het best verkochte album aller tijden. Jackson heeft wereldwijd meer dan 750 miljoen albums verkocht.
Jackson versterkt zijn muziek en imago met opvallende videoclips, waarin zijn ritmische dansstijl duidelijk tot uitdrukking komt. Een van de bekendste videoclips, die van Thriller, duurt maar liefst 18 minuten. Hij houdt sinds 1995 het record voor duurste muziekvideo. De clip voor zijn hitsingle Scream, een duet met zijn zus Janet Jackson, kostte maar liefst 7 miljoen dollar. De video, geregisseerd door Mark Romanek, kreeg een MTV Video Music Award in de categorie dance en een Grammy Award voor beste korte video. Karakteristiek voor de muziek van Michael Jackson is de stem en de in bijna alle nummers aanwezige sterke baslijn.
Naarmate de ster van Jackson rees, begon zijn populariteit echter te dalen. Mede als gevolg daarvan verschoof de aandacht in de media van zijn muziek naar het nogal excentrieke karakter van Jackson en zijn privéleven. Hij werd dikwijls afgeschilderd als iemand die totaal afgezonderd leefde van de 'grote-mensenwereld' en zijn tijd liever met kinderen en dieren doorbracht (het Peter Pan-syndroom).
Bron: Wikipedia.org
My love,
Now during the trial,
you are on my mind, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
You will never be forgotten,
and justice will prevail!
(thanks to dr. Alon Steinberg, dr. Nader Kamangar and dr. Steven Shafer for their testimony!)
Now during the trial,
you are on my mind, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
You will never be forgotten,
and justice will prevail!
(thanks to dr. Alon Steinberg, dr. Nader Kamangar and dr. Steven Shafer for their testimony!)
Op 20 oktober 2011
om 16:43 getekend door:
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om 16:43 getekend door:
His eye is on the sparrow
Why should I feel discouraged
Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches over me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me
My love, God is on your side!
Why should I feel discouraged
Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches over me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me
My love, God is on your side!
Op 11 oktober 2011
om 15:19 getekend door:
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om 15:19 getekend door:
Dear Michael.
Watching the trial
Hearing about what happend to you in the final hours of your live
Makes me sad...
You trusted this doctor
He failed taking care of you
Now you're gone...
We won't get you back
But we only want justice
You're for ever in myn heart
Watching the trial
Hearing about what happend to you in the final hours of your live
Makes me sad...
You trusted this doctor
He failed taking care of you
Now you're gone...
We won't get you back
But we only want justice
You're for ever in myn heart
Op 7 oktober 2011
om 22:52 getekend door:
T... .R.o.z.i.n.g.a.
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om 22:52 getekend door:
T... .R.o.z.i.n.g.a.
Lies runs sprints
But the truth runs marathons
Justice for Michael!
But the truth runs marathons
Justice for Michael!
Op 27 september 2011
om 22:58 getekend door:
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om 22:58 getekend door:
My angel,
I promise you, we will pray for justice...
With love xx
I promise you, we will pray for justice...
With love xx
Op 27 september 2011
om 11:42 getekend door:
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om 11:42 getekend door:
My love,
In my heart are you
always you
never far
always close
You are here in my heart just you
beautiful you...
In my heart are you
always you
never far
always close
You are here in my heart just you
beautiful you...
Op 19 september 2011
om 15:03 getekend door:
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om 15:03 getekend door:
My love,
In my heart are you
always you
never far
always close
You are here in my heart just you
beautiful you...
In my heart are you
always you
never far
always close
You are here in my heart just you
beautiful you...
Op 19 september 2011
om 15:03 getekend door:
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om 15:03 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
You would be so very proud of your three children!
They are wonderfull human beings and they are yours...
Love you allways.
You would be so very proud of your three children!
They are wonderfull human beings and they are yours...
Love you allways.
Op 6 september 2011
om 16:48 getekend door:
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om 16:48 getekend door:
Dear Michael.
Today would have been your 53th birthday.
There's not a day go by that I don't think about you and play, sing or dance to your music.
Today my heart goes out to your family, children and wishes them a lot of strenght and love.
For allways in my heart.
Today would have been your 53th birthday.
There's not a day go by that I don't think about you and play, sing or dance to your music.
Today my heart goes out to your family, children and wishes them a lot of strenght and love.
For allways in my heart.
Op 29 augustus 2011
om 21:41 getekend door:
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om 21:41 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
In my heart are you,always you never far,always close.
You are here in my heart just you, beautiful you.
On my mind are you, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
In my day are you, always you
in my morning, in my noon and
in my night.
You are here in my day just you, beautiful you.
You are here beside me
just you, beautiful you...
In loving memory on your 53th birthday xxx
In my heart are you,always you never far,always close.
You are here in my heart just you, beautiful you.
On my mind are you, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
In my day are you, always you
in my morning, in my noon and
in my night.
You are here in my day just you, beautiful you.
You are here beside me
just you, beautiful you...
In loving memory on your 53th birthday xxx
Op 29 augustus 2011
om 10:03 getekend door:
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om 10:03 getekend door:
Dear God, Divine Spirit of love and compassion,
Please grace us today with your loving presence,as we take a moment to remember Michael Jackson...
The world has been stunned by the loss of one so young.
We grieve that life came to an end for this great talent.
Many fans share this time of pain and sorrow,as well as the sadness of this shocking end to an era. Please help those who are suffering through this loss.
We ask, especially, that you uphold his family, that you comfort his dear grieving mother, and that you will embrace his children, who must go on without their loving father.
May they find solace, somehow, in the love in his flowing forth for their father.
For all those who still grieve, please bring peace in knowing
that his spirit, his music, and his contribution will live on.
Dearest Creator, we pray,
gently guide the soul of your son, Michael Jackson.
Hold him close, renew him, confort him.
Enfold him in your divine grace.
May he be healed and made whole again.
He was a bright star but also led a sad life. Please heal the hurtful parts and those who may have been hurt in some way.
As we remember his contributions and controversies,as we listen to his music and watch his videos, as we hear so many recount their memories of him.
Let us be thankful for all he has given us,and let us hope for healing for all from the darker side of fame and fortune.
(naar een gebed by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway)
Please grace us today with your loving presence,as we take a moment to remember Michael Jackson...
The world has been stunned by the loss of one so young.
We grieve that life came to an end for this great talent.
Many fans share this time of pain and sorrow,as well as the sadness of this shocking end to an era. Please help those who are suffering through this loss.
We ask, especially, that you uphold his family, that you comfort his dear grieving mother, and that you will embrace his children, who must go on without their loving father.
May they find solace, somehow, in the love in his flowing forth for their father.
For all those who still grieve, please bring peace in knowing
that his spirit, his music, and his contribution will live on.
Dearest Creator, we pray,
gently guide the soul of your son, Michael Jackson.
Hold him close, renew him, confort him.
Enfold him in your divine grace.
May he be healed and made whole again.
He was a bright star but also led a sad life. Please heal the hurtful parts and those who may have been hurt in some way.
As we remember his contributions and controversies,as we listen to his music and watch his videos, as we hear so many recount their memories of him.
Let us be thankful for all he has given us,and let us hope for healing for all from the darker side of fame and fortune.
(naar een gebed by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway)
Op 29 augustus 2011
om 9:48 getekend door:
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om 9:48 getekend door:
It is almost your birthday I wish you a very nice birthday in heaven.
I still miss you a lot and there is not one day that I not thinking about you.
Today I read that your former manager Frank Dileo has died at the age of 63, RIP Frank Dileo.
Michael I love you and miss you a lot.
RIP most sweetest man of the world
It is almost your birthday I wish you a very nice birthday in heaven.
I still miss you a lot and there is not one day that I not thinking about you.
Today I read that your former manager Frank Dileo has died at the age of 63, RIP Frank Dileo.
Michael I love you and miss you a lot.
RIP most sweetest man of the world
Op 27 augustus 2011
om 17:21 getekend door:
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om 17:21 getekend door:
My treasure Michael
I mis you yet every day ,you stay forever in my heart,I never forget you what you for my haven meant,so very much,
God blessings all you work what you have done for us world helpind the sickness children,you make there happy in your neverland ranch, around the world,My feeling is very deep for you,you are a amazing personal in my life and for me and the other fans around the world I had always in your life compasion with you and you family,it hurts me so much,my heart cry,my drea michael,I love you very really for the rest of my life,I love you forever my largest friend of this world,I love youXXXx with more kissing and cuddles
love Elma
I mis you yet every day ,you stay forever in my heart,I never forget you what you for my haven meant,so very much,
God blessings all you work what you have done for us world helpind the sickness children,you make there happy in your neverland ranch, around the world,My feeling is very deep for you,you are a amazing personal in my life and for me and the other fans around the world I had always in your life compasion with you and you family,it hurts me so much,my heart cry,my drea michael,I love you very really for the rest of my life,I love you forever my largest friend of this world,I love youXXXx with more kissing and cuddles
love Elma
Op 27 augustus 2011
om 10:45 getekend door:
E.l.m.a. .n.i.e.u.w.l.a.a.t.s.
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om 10:45 getekend door:
E.l.m.a. .n.i.e.u.w.l.a.a.t.s.
Michael was my first love
And he will be my last
His music is the future
His music is the past
To live without his music
Would be impossible to do
Because in this world of trouble
His music pulls me trough
I miss you...
And he will be my last
His music is the future
His music is the past
To live without his music
Would be impossible to do
Because in this world of trouble
His music pulls me trough
I miss you...
Op 17 augustus 2011
om 22:06 getekend door:
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om 22:06 getekend door:
We gaan je weer tegen komen in de next world
Op 17 augustus 2011
om 20:53 getekend door:
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om 20:53 getekend door:
I never can say goodbye
No no no no..
I never can say goodbye...!
with love xxx
No no no no..
I never can say goodbye...!
with love xxx
Op 7 augustus 2011
om 23:23 getekend door:
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om 23:23 getekend door:
Now your are gone you are still THE KING OFF POP Michael R.I.P.
Your fan always Jolein Moon.
Your fan always Jolein Moon.
Op 4 augustus 2011
om 0:27 getekend door:
J.o.l.e.i.n. .M.o.o.n.
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om 0:27 getekend door:
J.o.l.e.i.n. .M.o.o.n.
Still can't believe that you're gone...
It wasn't your time yet...
I miss you so much...
You're in my heart for ever...
Still can't believe that you're gone...
It wasn't your time yet...
I miss you so much...
You're in my heart for ever...
Op 19 juli 2011
om 23:45 getekend door:
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om 23:45 getekend door:
Door deze ster! Kriijg je respect voor de wereld! Een man van goud! Een man die iedereen heeft geraakt!hoe hij is of dan mag worden benoemt deze man heeft de wereld laten zien hoe hij een tank wedt te stoppen op zijn live concert hij heeft daar zijn leven voor gezet en laat een soldaat huilen hij heeft de muziek de dans een byzonder leven gegeven .Ik zal hem oprecht en diep in mijn hart bewaren en missen!!! You are realy THE king ! Michael R.I.P! I suil mis you! I have Respect for you !Thank you for all!
Op 18 juli 2011
om 9:26 getekend door:
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om 9:26 getekend door:
Op aarde was je een grote ster, en nu ben je een grote ster!
We missen je!
We missen je!
Op 18 juli 2011
om 7:26 getekend door:
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om 7:26 getekend door:
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