Michael Jackson
29 augustus 1958 - 25 juni 2009
This is it...
Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse popzanger. Hij geldt als een van de succesvolste artiesten van de 20e eeuw, zo niet de succesvolste. Jackson onderscheidt zich door zijn herkenbare castraatachtige zangstem, zijn typische dansbewegingen en zijn grote muzikale diversiteit.In zijn topperiode, het begin van de jaren '80, was Michael Jackson één van de grootste popsterren. Hij bereikte zijn grootste succes met het album Thriller, dat met bijna 108 miljoen verkochte exemplaren al meer dan 25 jaar geldt als het best verkochte album aller tijden. Jackson heeft wereldwijd meer dan 750 miljoen albums verkocht.
Jackson versterkt zijn muziek en imago met opvallende videoclips, waarin zijn ritmische dansstijl duidelijk tot uitdrukking komt. Een van de bekendste videoclips, die van Thriller, duurt maar liefst 18 minuten. Hij houdt sinds 1995 het record voor duurste muziekvideo. De clip voor zijn hitsingle Scream, een duet met zijn zus Janet Jackson, kostte maar liefst 7 miljoen dollar. De video, geregisseerd door Mark Romanek, kreeg een MTV Video Music Award in de categorie dance en een Grammy Award voor beste korte video. Karakteristiek voor de muziek van Michael Jackson is de stem en de in bijna alle nummers aanwezige sterke baslijn.
Naarmate de ster van Jackson rees, begon zijn populariteit echter te dalen. Mede als gevolg daarvan verschoof de aandacht in de media van zijn muziek naar het nogal excentrieke karakter van Jackson en zijn privéleven. Hij werd dikwijls afgeschilderd als iemand die totaal afgezonderd leefde van de 'grote-mensenwereld' en zijn tijd liever met kinderen en dieren doorbracht (het Peter Pan-syndroom).
Bron: Wikipedia.org
In loving memory
For ever in my heart
For ever in my heart
Op 25 juni 2013
om 8:53 getekend door:
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om 8:53 getekend door:
My angel, we miss you, but it is much better to be in Gods Kingdom...
Here on earth things are so complicated right now, I think you do not want to know...
You always wanted to create peace, no hungry childeren and a better world for all of us.
We have to wait for Jesus to come back.
xxx love you always
Here on earth things are so complicated right now, I think you do not want to know...
You always wanted to create peace, no hungry childeren and a better world for all of us.
We have to wait for Jesus to come back.
xxx love you always
Op 12 juni 2013
om 11:27 getekend door:
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om 11:27 getekend door:
My Angel,
What ever the people you trusted may say
I will still love you, I believe you!
You are forever in my heart
What ever the people you trusted may say
I will still love you, I believe you!
You are forever in my heart
Op 21 mei 2013
om 14:46 getekend door:
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om 14:46 getekend door:
michael van nellie
Op 21 mei 2013
om 3:16 getekend door:
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om 3:16 getekend door:
There will never be another Michael jackson..
I miss you much...
I miss you much...
Op 3 mei 2013
om 23:55 getekend door:
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om 23:55 getekend door:
My Angel,
Just to let you know,
You are in my thoughts
and prayers.
I love you more...
? In loving memory xxx
Just to let you know,
You are in my thoughts
and prayers.
I love you more...
? In loving memory xxx
Op 24 april 2013
om 11:10 getekend door:
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om 11:10 getekend door:
?You are the cry that turns to laughter, the sweetness and the morning after...?
Op 8 april 2013
om 12:41 getekend door:
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om 12:41 getekend door:
Like a perfect flower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon...
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon...
Op 31 maart 2013
om 23:51 getekend door:
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om 23:51 getekend door:
My angel,
Today 30 years ago the world first saw your moonwalk!
Your star was born again...
I love you!
Today 30 years ago the world first saw your moonwalk!
Your star was born again...
I love you!
Op 25 maart 2013
om 15:13 getekend door:
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om 15:13 getekend door:
Never out of my life...
I miss you so much...
I know you're shining down on us from heaven...
You're in my heart or ever.
I miss you so much...
I know you're shining down on us from heaven...
You're in my heart or ever.
Op 8 februari 2013
om 23:58 getekend door:
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om 23:58 getekend door:
My Angel,
Can not get you out of my mind!
I will love you for ever and ever and ever ...
Can not get you out of my mind!
I will love you for ever and ever and ever ...
Op 5 februari 2013
om 11:44 getekend door:
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om 11:44 getekend door:
Here is another new year,
without you by our sides,
but still we can remember
the time you were here among us
We still can hear your sweet voice
whispering: "I love you more..."
Michael, the world is less bright without you!
We will remember you our sweetheart xxx
without you by our sides,
but still we can remember
the time you were here among us
We still can hear your sweet voice
whispering: "I love you more..."
Michael, the world is less bright without you!
We will remember you our sweetheart xxx
Op 8 januari 2013
om 15:08 getekend door:
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om 15:08 getekend door:
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tribulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.
Written by Michael Jackson
Rest in peace Michael Jackson, GOD bless you!
love from Marianne xxx
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tribulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.
Written by Michael Jackson
Rest in peace Michael Jackson, GOD bless you!
love from Marianne xxx
Op 24 december 2012
om 12:52 getekend door:
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om 12:52 getekend door:
Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation...
Michael Jackson
Thinking of you every day! xx
Michael Jackson
Thinking of you every day! xx
Op 5 december 2012
om 14:58 getekend door:
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om 14:58 getekend door:
?A star can never die,it just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music,the dance of life...?
? Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
Love you forever xxx
? Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
Love you forever xxx
Op 21 november 2012
om 13:31 getekend door:
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om 13:31 getekend door:
Dear Michael,Now you are back together with the other angels. Captivate them with your heart and music just like you did with us normal people on earth. We miss you terribly.
RIP King Of Pop
RIP King Of Pop
Op 17 november 2012
om 1:26 getekend door:
s.t.e.f.a.n.i.e. .m.a.r.y.n.i.s.s.e.n.
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om 1:26 getekend door:
s.t.e.f.a.n.i.e. .m.a.r.y.n.i.s.s.e.n.
Dear Michael,
Today you still mean so much to me while your music is keeping you alive.You were unique and i miss you terribly. Although i am happy that you are happy now. RIP King Of Pop
There will be no one lik you, ever!
Gone too soon...
Today you still mean so much to me while your music is keeping you alive.You were unique and i miss you terribly. Although i am happy that you are happy now. RIP King Of Pop
There will be no one lik you, ever!
Gone too soon...
Op 17 november 2012
om 1:20 getekend door:
s.t.e.f.a.n.i.e. .m.a.r.y.n.i.s.s.e.n.
Dit is niet ok
om 1:20 getekend door:
s.t.e.f.a.n.i.e. .m.a.r.y.n.i.s.s.e.n.
"No one should judge what I've done with my life.
Not unless they've been in my shoes every horrible day
and every sleepless night..."
~ Michael J. Jackson (1995)
Michael, I love you for ever!
Not unless they've been in my shoes every horrible day
and every sleepless night..."
~ Michael J. Jackson (1995)
Michael, I love you for ever!
Op 23 oktober 2012
om 11:59 getekend door:
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om 11:59 getekend door:
Gone too soon..
Op 20 oktober 2012
om 23:51 getekend door:
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om 23:51 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
I watched today "This is It" agian and i thought there never be a artist as good, talented as you where,
Still missing and loving you, you are / was the most talented, loving man of the world,
Rest in Peace
I watched today "This is It" agian and i thought there never be a artist as good, talented as you where,
Still missing and loving you, you are / was the most talented, loving man of the world,
Rest in Peace
Op 20 oktober 2012
om 20:54 getekend door:
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om 20:54 getekend door:
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