Michael Jackson
29 augustus 1958 - 25 juni 2009
This is it...
Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse popzanger. Hij geldt als een van de succesvolste artiesten van de 20e eeuw, zo niet de succesvolste. Jackson onderscheidt zich door zijn herkenbare castraatachtige zangstem, zijn typische dansbewegingen en zijn grote muzikale diversiteit.In zijn topperiode, het begin van de jaren '80, was Michael Jackson één van de grootste popsterren. Hij bereikte zijn grootste succes met het album Thriller, dat met bijna 108 miljoen verkochte exemplaren al meer dan 25 jaar geldt als het best verkochte album aller tijden. Jackson heeft wereldwijd meer dan 750 miljoen albums verkocht.
Jackson versterkt zijn muziek en imago met opvallende videoclips, waarin zijn ritmische dansstijl duidelijk tot uitdrukking komt. Een van de bekendste videoclips, die van Thriller, duurt maar liefst 18 minuten. Hij houdt sinds 1995 het record voor duurste muziekvideo. De clip voor zijn hitsingle Scream, een duet met zijn zus Janet Jackson, kostte maar liefst 7 miljoen dollar. De video, geregisseerd door Mark Romanek, kreeg een MTV Video Music Award in de categorie dance en een Grammy Award voor beste korte video. Karakteristiek voor de muziek van Michael Jackson is de stem en de in bijna alle nummers aanwezige sterke baslijn.
Naarmate de ster van Jackson rees, begon zijn populariteit echter te dalen. Mede als gevolg daarvan verschoof de aandacht in de media van zijn muziek naar het nogal excentrieke karakter van Jackson en zijn privéleven. Hij werd dikwijls afgeschilderd als iemand die totaal afgezonderd leefde van de 'grote-mensenwereld' en zijn tijd liever met kinderen en dieren doorbracht (het Peter Pan-syndroom).
Bron: Wikipedia.org
Dear Michael,
I love you more...
I love you more...
Op 13 juli 2011
om 11:23 getekend door:
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om 11:23 getekend door:
for ever deep in my heart!
for ever deep in my heart!
Op 7 juli 2011
om 15:08 getekend door:
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om 15:08 getekend door:
dear michael
still can´t believe that you are gone...just like that...
i am one of your biggest fans and i just can´t imagine knowing
that we never hear new music or movies from u... life is a little less without u...2 years ago my life changed
you´ll be forever missed
love u
still can´t believe that you are gone...just like that...
i am one of your biggest fans and i just can´t imagine knowing
that we never hear new music or movies from u... life is a little less without u...2 years ago my life changed
you´ll be forever missed
love u
Op 25 juni 2011
om 20:46 getekend door:
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om 20:46 getekend door:
Het is niet hetzelfde zonder jou.
Op 25 juni 2011
om 14:28 getekend door:
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om 14:28 getekend door:
Dear Lord,
When he was beset with troubles in life, he had no one to turn to in this world
Though he knew that someone in heaven watches, waiting for him to open up his heart
Many times he wondered:
?Am I worthy to call upon Your name?
For great is Your love and mercy
And I am just Your lowly servant??
You were there for him at all times
Shedding away the tears from his eyes, as he looked in Your heavenly abode Lord, You were great to him!
How many times he failed You
Yet, You were there to hold him
You gave him the strength to carry on
How much he needed You in his life
In his prayers, Your compassion and love abounds
Still he was Your child at all times needing Your guidance, his Father up above
You've provided everything he dreamt of, more than what he have asked for
So much that he needed strength and wisdom not to fall from the wickedness of this world
You are the only one who really knew him
For in his prayers he felt Your presence, comforting and touching his heart
You were there with him in times of happiness and in loneliness, You strengthed his soul
Guided him in every moment of his life as he walked this earth,he so loved
When he stumbled, You've lifted him, with Your Holy Spirit you guided his way
Leading his path to righteousness
Lord, please hear my prayer
You wanted him to come Home
Please hold him in Your loving arms and comfort my dear Michael forever...
When he was beset with troubles in life, he had no one to turn to in this world
Though he knew that someone in heaven watches, waiting for him to open up his heart
Many times he wondered:
?Am I worthy to call upon Your name?
For great is Your love and mercy
And I am just Your lowly servant??
You were there for him at all times
Shedding away the tears from his eyes, as he looked in Your heavenly abode Lord, You were great to him!
How many times he failed You
Yet, You were there to hold him
You gave him the strength to carry on
How much he needed You in his life
In his prayers, Your compassion and love abounds
Still he was Your child at all times needing Your guidance, his Father up above
You've provided everything he dreamt of, more than what he have asked for
So much that he needed strength and wisdom not to fall from the wickedness of this world
You are the only one who really knew him
For in his prayers he felt Your presence, comforting and touching his heart
You were there with him in times of happiness and in loneliness, You strengthed his soul
Guided him in every moment of his life as he walked this earth,he so loved
When he stumbled, You've lifted him, with Your Holy Spirit you guided his way
Leading his path to righteousness
Lord, please hear my prayer
You wanted him to come Home
Please hold him in Your loving arms and comfort my dear Michael forever...
Op 25 juni 2011
om 12:51 getekend door:
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om 12:51 getekend door:
My dear Michael,
Never can say goodbye,
For ever in my heart...!
Never can say goodbye,
For ever in my heart...!
Op 25 juni 2011
om 11:45 getekend door:
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om 11:45 getekend door:
Vandaag alweer 2 jr dat micheal ons heeft verlaten, wat gaat de tijd toch hard!
Micheal we miss you everyday, your are always in my heart 4ever.
Micheal we miss you everyday, your are always in my heart 4ever.
Op 25 juni 2011
om 10:37 getekend door:
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om 10:37 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
It seems like yesterday when I heard the terrible news that you passed away...
It was the worst day of my life...
I'll never forget you and never forget how much you loved your fans...
Ain't no sunshine when you're gone...
Every day I listenen to your music, music with emotion, music with real words...
I'm so proud to say I love you...
For ever in my heart...
It seems like yesterday when I heard the terrible news that you passed away...
It was the worst day of my life...
I'll never forget you and never forget how much you loved your fans...
Ain't no sunshine when you're gone...
Every day I listenen to your music, music with emotion, music with real words...
I'm so proud to say I love you...
For ever in my heart...
Op 25 juni 2011
om 0:12 getekend door:
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om 0:12 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
At this moment I hear your voice on the radio ("I'll Be There..."), it makes me cry!
I miss you...
I cannot forget you!
At this moment I hear your voice on the radio ("I'll Be There..."), it makes me cry!
I miss you...
I cannot forget you!
Op 14 juni 2011
om 9:49 getekend door:
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om 9:49 getekend door:
I' ll never let you part
You're for allways in my heart
You're for allways in my heart
Op 9 juni 2011
om 21:46 getekend door:
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om 21:46 getekend door:
Dear Mike,
In my heart are you,always you never far, always close.
You are here in my heart just you, beautiful you.
On my mind are you, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
In my day are you, always you
in my morning, in my noon and
in my night.
You are here in my day just you, beautiful you.
You are here beside me
just you, beautiful you...
In my heart are you,always you never far, always close.
You are here in my heart just you, beautiful you.
On my mind are you, always you
whispering, talking, laughing,
smiling. You are here on my mind, just you, beautiful you.
In my day are you, always you
in my morning, in my noon and
in my night.
You are here in my day just you, beautiful you.
You are here beside me
just you, beautiful you...
Op 7 juni 2011
om 12:37 getekend door:
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om 12:37 getekend door:
Every day I miss you more and more Michael.
It is almost 2 years ago that you left us it feels like yesterday.
It is almost 2 years ago that you left us it feels like yesterday.
Op 6 juni 2011
om 14:31 getekend door:
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om 14:31 getekend door:
Can't live without you...
Op 3 juni 2011
om 23:26 getekend door:
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om 23:26 getekend door:
Dearest Michael,
forever and ever deep in my heart!
forever and ever deep in my heart!
Op 1 juni 2011
om 11:38 getekend door:
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om 11:38 getekend door:
"And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face... and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world." xxx
Op 26 mei 2011
om 16:12 getekend door:
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om 16:12 getekend door:
we miss you for ever
Op 25 mei 2011
om 18:43 getekend door:
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om 18:43 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
We love you so much,
You loved us more...
We miss you,
you are Home...
We love you so much,
You loved us more...
We miss you,
you are Home...
Op 23 mei 2011
om 11:12 getekend door:
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om 11:12 getekend door:
Forever and ever deep in my heart!
Op 17 mei 2011
om 16:46 getekend door:
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om 16:46 getekend door:
Dear Michael,my love, my special one, in your last days, maybe this was one of your favorite poems...
I miss you and I am so very proud of you! xxx
Give me strength
This is my prayer to thee, my lord,strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.
Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.
Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love.
(Rabindranath Tagore)
I miss you and I am so very proud of you! xxx
Give me strength
This is my prayer to thee, my lord,strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.
Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.
Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love.
(Rabindranath Tagore)
Op 11 mei 2011
om 15:38 getekend door:
Dit is niet ok
om 15:38 getekend door:
I think about you every day
I play your music every day
I watch "This is It" most of the time in the weekend.
Michael I will never forget you.
Loving you more and more.
Michael I miss you so much and I wish that you came back to all of us.
I play your music every day
I watch "This is It" most of the time in the weekend.
Michael I will never forget you.
Loving you more and more.
Michael I miss you so much and I wish that you came back to all of us.
Op 11 mei 2011
om 13:22 getekend door:
Dit is niet ok
om 13:22 getekend door:
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