Michael Jackson
29 augustus 1958 - 25 juni 2009
This is it...
Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse popzanger. Hij geldt als een van de succesvolste artiesten van de 20e eeuw, zo niet de succesvolste. Jackson onderscheidt zich door zijn herkenbare castraatachtige zangstem, zijn typische dansbewegingen en zijn grote muzikale diversiteit.In zijn topperiode, het begin van de jaren '80, was Michael Jackson één van de grootste popsterren. Hij bereikte zijn grootste succes met het album Thriller, dat met bijna 108 miljoen verkochte exemplaren al meer dan 25 jaar geldt als het best verkochte album aller tijden. Jackson heeft wereldwijd meer dan 750 miljoen albums verkocht.
Jackson versterkt zijn muziek en imago met opvallende videoclips, waarin zijn ritmische dansstijl duidelijk tot uitdrukking komt. Een van de bekendste videoclips, die van Thriller, duurt maar liefst 18 minuten. Hij houdt sinds 1995 het record voor duurste muziekvideo. De clip voor zijn hitsingle Scream, een duet met zijn zus Janet Jackson, kostte maar liefst 7 miljoen dollar. De video, geregisseerd door Mark Romanek, kreeg een MTV Video Music Award in de categorie dance en een Grammy Award voor beste korte video. Karakteristiek voor de muziek van Michael Jackson is de stem en de in bijna alle nummers aanwezige sterke baslijn.
Naarmate de ster van Jackson rees, begon zijn populariteit echter te dalen. Mede als gevolg daarvan verschoof de aandacht in de media van zijn muziek naar het nogal excentrieke karakter van Jackson en zijn privéleven. Hij werd dikwijls afgeschilderd als iemand die totaal afgezonderd leefde van de 'grote-mensenwereld' en zijn tijd liever met kinderen en dieren doorbracht (het Peter Pan-syndroom).
Bron: Wikipedia.org
Dear Micheal,
every day I listen to your music
every day I miss you
Rest in peace
every day I listen to your music
every day I miss you
Rest in peace
Op 3 januari 2011
om 15:10 getekend door:
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om 15:10 getekend door:
Dear MJJ
The world faces another year without you! We miss you so much...! Our thoughts are with your dear mother and beautifull children, I know they will make you proud!
The world faces another year without you! We miss you so much...! Our thoughts are with your dear mother and beautifull children, I know they will make you proud!
Op 3 januari 2011
om 10:15 getekend door:
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om 10:15 getekend door:
Thriller, de originele LP uit 1982 (ik was toen 16 jaar) hangt ingelijst bij mij in de woonkamer. Elke keer als ik naar kijk denk ik aan jou,,, je was een deel van mijn leven, een grootheid in de danswereld.
I,II nver forget you...
Maurice Riesewijk The Netherlands
I,II nver forget you...
Maurice Riesewijk The Netherlands
Op 2 januari 2011
om 15:04 getekend door:
M.a.u.r.i.c.e. .R.i.e.s.e.w.i.j.k.
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om 15:04 getekend door:
M.a.u.r.i.c.e. .R.i.e.s.e.w.i.j.k.
I will miss you forever. RIP MJ
Op 2 januari 2011
om 2:38 getekend door:
S.h.a.z.i.a. .A.y.u.b.
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om 2:38 getekend door:
S.h.a.z.i.a. .A.y.u.b.
Dear Michael,
One of my present i have today is your new cd Michael all the songs a great but one of them it makes me cry, so beautiful is the song it's called "Best of Joy" and i closed my eyes and think how you performe on this song.
Michael now i really know it wasn't your time yet to left us, but God needed you more.
Michael i miss you more and more and more.
I love you and rip most talented man of the world
One of my present i have today is your new cd Michael all the songs a great but one of them it makes me cry, so beautiful is the song it's called "Best of Joy" and i closed my eyes and think how you performe on this song.
Michael now i really know it wasn't your time yet to left us, but God needed you more.
Michael i miss you more and more and more.
I love you and rip most talented man of the world
Op 25 december 2010
om 21:40 getekend door:
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om 21:40 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
Watching My name is Michael on tv, seeing little kids dancing and singing your songs...This guy dressing like you, dancing like you...Your still in my heart..
The album Michael enters at number one...
To me your still the King of Pop!
Watching My name is Michael on tv, seeing little kids dancing and singing your songs...This guy dressing like you, dancing like you...Your still in my heart..
The album Michael enters at number one...
To me your still the King of Pop!
Op 19 december 2010
om 23:37 getekend door:
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om 23:37 getekend door:
These words were spoken on your private funeral:
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them, saying:
3?Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11?Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
I love you Michael, rest in peace
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them, saying:
3?Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11?Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
I love you Michael, rest in peace
Op 7 december 2010
om 10:25 getekend door:
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om 10:25 getekend door:
I wish you were here, I miss you so much.
I know that you are the biggest star and I hope that you can see all of your fans including me offcourse and spread your L.O.V.E. into the world. So the world become a better place to live in.
I love you.
I wish you were here, I miss you so much.
I know that you are the biggest star and I hope that you can see all of your fans including me offcourse and spread your L.O.V.E. into the world. So the world become a better place to live in.
I love you.
Op 5 december 2010
om 16:05 getekend door:
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om 16:05 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
Just watching This is it and other short movies off you the whole evening...
One moment I'm crying my eyes out and the next moment dancing and singing along with your songs.
God I miss you so much!
Just watching This is it and other short movies off you the whole evening...
One moment I'm crying my eyes out and the next moment dancing and singing along with your songs.
God I miss you so much!
Op 25 november 2010
om 23:00 getekend door:
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om 23:00 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
You are home
For allways safe in the arms of Jesus
Close to his heart
You can not be hurt anymore
Pray for us
You are home
For allways safe in the arms of Jesus
Close to his heart
You can not be hurt anymore
Pray for us
Op 25 november 2010
om 15:37 getekend door:
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om 15:37 getekend door:
you will always be a star and always remain a child at heart if only everybody could be like you what a wonderfull world this would be...
Op 13 november 2010
om 16:46 getekend door:
k.u.r.t. .c.o.b.a.n.e.
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om 16:46 getekend door:
k.u.r.t. .c.o.b.a.n.e.
Dear MJJ, not only your music, much more your being, the man you were, your spirituality, your face, your perfect outfits, your kindness, your voice, your giving, your humility and your laugh is what I miss. For always in my hart xx
Op 8 november 2010
om 15:30 getekend door:
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om 15:30 getekend door:
Michael was my first love
And he will be my last
His music is the future
His music is the past
To live without his music
Would be impossible to do
Cause in this world off trouble
His music pulls me trough
I love you...
I miss you...
And he will be my last
His music is the future
His music is the past
To live without his music
Would be impossible to do
Cause in this world off trouble
His music pulls me trough
I love you...
I miss you...
Op 7 november 2010
om 22:31 getekend door:
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om 22:31 getekend door:
You are simply the best
Beter than all the rest
Beter than any one!!!
Love you and missing you like crazy
RIP most beautiful man of the world
You are simply the best
Beter than all the rest
Beter than any one!!!
Love you and missing you like crazy
RIP most beautiful man of the world
Op 7 november 2010
om 15:37 getekend door:
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om 15:37 getekend door:
?In my darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will You be there?
In my trials
And my tribulations
Through my doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of
Another tomorrow
Will You be there?
Yes my dear Michael He was there,
Now you know for sure...
you are for allways in His arms!
In my deepest despair
Will You be there?
In my trials
And my tribulations
Through my doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of
Another tomorrow
Will You be there?
Yes my dear Michael He was there,
Now you know for sure...
you are for allways in His arms!
Op 25 oktober 2010
om 11:06 getekend door:
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om 11:06 getekend door:
Missing you every day hurts so much...
Listening to your music makes me happy ans sad...
Knowing you will never sing again, never dance again...
It wasn't your time yet...
But I know you're in my heart for ever...
Missing you every day hurts so much...
Listening to your music makes me happy ans sad...
Knowing you will never sing again, never dance again...
It wasn't your time yet...
But I know you're in my heart for ever...
Op 24 oktober 2010
om 23:44 getekend door:
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om 23:44 getekend door:
I miss you so much, this morning I watch "This is It" again and I still can't believe it that you are realy gone.
Michael RIP and I love you.
Michael RIP and I love you.
Op 23 oktober 2010
om 17:15 getekend door:
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om 17:15 getekend door:
Michael, I miss you so much... I hope you found the peace you so deserved... I will always love you, I will never forget you. Thank you for everything...
Op 20 oktober 2010
om 15:57 getekend door:
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om 15:57 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
Allways in my heart, still every day..., you were so very very special! There was nothing wrong with you, the world is wrong, the world is sick, people do not understand. I cannot stop thinking about you. You are in my heart forever. You are HOME now, in the arms of your Creator in heaven, safe! No one can hurt you anymore. But we all miss you so very much dear Michael. RIP
Allways in my heart, still every day..., you were so very very special! There was nothing wrong with you, the world is wrong, the world is sick, people do not understand. I cannot stop thinking about you. You are in my heart forever. You are HOME now, in the arms of your Creator in heaven, safe! No one can hurt you anymore. But we all miss you so very much dear Michael. RIP
Op 18 oktober 2010
om 16:35 getekend door:
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om 16:35 getekend door:
Michael, ik denk nog elke dag aan je en ik zal je nooit vegeten. Bedankt voor álle mooie momenten die je mij hebt gegeven, waar dan ook ter wereld. De allerlaatste keer dat ik je in levende lijve zag was in de rechtzaal in 2005. En toen zwaaide je naar me... Wie had gedacht dat dat de laatste keer zou zijn :-( Ik mis je Michael en ik houd van je...
Op 16 oktober 2010
om 11:16 getekend door:
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om 11:16 getekend door:
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