Freya Andrei Petracca

2 februari 2025 - 2 februari 2025

Your time here was brief, but your presence will echo in our hearts forever.

Il tuo tempo qui è stato breve, ma la tua presenza risuonerà nei nostri cuori per sempre.

Dear Freya,
Though your time with us was way too short, you have your own spot which is forever. You were here for only a moment, yet you will be with us for a lifetime—woven into our hearts, our thoughts, and the love we carry forward.

You were deeply loved, and you always will be.

Cara Freya,

Anche se il tuo tempo con noi è stato troppo breve, hai un posto che è per sempre. Sei stata qui solo per un attimo, eppure sarai con noi per tutta la vita—intessuta nei nostri cuori, nei nostri pensieri e nell’amore che portiamo avanti.

Eri profondamente amata, e lo sarai sempre.
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Dear Sebastian and Rita,

We are so incredibly sorry for your loss.
Wishing you strength and comfort in this difficult time.

With love,
Ruud & Kim 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 21:33 getekend door:
R.u.u.d. .&. .K.i.m. .v.a.n. .V.l.e.r.k.e.n.
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Sometimes, news arrives that shakes you to your core, leaving you numb and filled with sorrow. Our hearts go out to you in this unimaginable time of loss. There are no words that can truly capture the depth of what you’re going through, but please know that you are not alone. I wish you all the strength and comfort you will need 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 17:44 getekend door:
M.a.r.c.e.l. .B.o.u.v.y.
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Dragii mei,

Nu am cuvinte care să poată alina durerea voastră. Nu există un răspuns la „de ce” pentru o asemenea pierdere, și știu că niciun cuvânt, oricât de sincer, nu poate umple golul pe care îl simțiți acum.

Freya a atins atât de multe inimi, poate mai multe decât vom atinge noi vreodată. Într-un timp atât de scurt, ea a fost iubită nemărginit și a lăsat o lumină în sufletele voastre și a celor care au auzit despre ea.

Ca mamă a unui copil care acum este în ceruri, știu că nu există alinare reală pentru această durere. Nu va trece niciodată, dar cu timpul veți reuși să trăiți cu ea. Durerea se va transforma într-o amintire profundă, într-o iubire care transcende timpul și spațiul.

Freya nu va fi niciodată departe – va fi în fiecare bătaie a inimii tale, în fiecare rază de soare care îți mângâie fața, în fiecare adiere blândă de vânt care îți atinge sufletul.

Știu că uneori întunericul poate părea de nepătruns, dar nu sunteți singuri. Rita, sunt aici, cu inima deschisă, pentru orice ai nevoie – fie să plângem împreună, fie să păstrăm tăcerea împreună, fie doar să îți amintesc că, chiar și în durere, ești înconjurată de iubire. Rita, se hai bisogno di parlare, sono qui per te. se hai bisogno di urlare sono qui, se hai bisogno di piangere sono qui.

Freya a fost, este și va fi mereu iubită si cu voi.

Vă trimit toată dragostea și compasiunea mea, Silvia 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 16:10 getekend door:
S.i.l.v.i.a. .M.i.h.ă.i.l.ă.
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I feel so deeply sad for you and cannot begin to imagine the weight of the loss of your little girl Freya. She was so deeply wanted and loved from the very beginning. I remember well how you shared the happy news of your pregnancy with me during a walk in the botanical gardens. I wish you strength and hope you find comfort in each other and with your loved ones. 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 15:15 getekend door:
W.i.e.k.e. .E.e.f.t.i.n.g.
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Dear Rita and Seb, I’m so heartbroken to even write this message and I can’t even imagine what you guys are going through. I want to share my sincere condolences and I hope that still even in these hard times, you are able to find love, peace and hope. 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 14:28 getekend door:
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What heart-breaking news. My deepest sympathy for your loss. Wishing you all the strength at this incredibly difficult time. 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 13:50 getekend door:
A.l.a.n.a. .W.r.i.g.h.t.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

My deepest condolences for this terrible loss. My thoughts are with you.

Op 7 februari 2025
om 13:47 getekend door:
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Little Freya, forever in your hearts. Much strength and love to you.
Op 7 februari 2025
om 13:04 getekend door:
B.a.r.b.a.r.a. .d.e. .J.o.n.g.
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No words, just silence.
I wish you both strength to overcome the loss.
Deepest condolences

Op 7 februari 2025
om 12:45 getekend door:
M.a.r.k. .v.a.n. .l.o.o.s.d.r.e.c.h.t.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,
I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now, but wish you all the strength and love.
Op 7 februari 2025
om 11:32 getekend door:
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,
I am so incredibly sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter Freya. Words will always fall short in these deeply sad times. I wish you both a lot of strength and healing. My thoughts are with you.
Op 7 februari 2025
om 11:19 getekend door:
A.t.o.r. .A.s.h.o.t.i.
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Wishing you much strength and love. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 11:17 getekend door:
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you. 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 11:11 getekend door:
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Dear Rita and Seb,

How unbelievably sad to hear. We are so so sorry for your loss. We have been thinking about you since, and wish you all the strength in this world. Nothing we can say to make this more bearable, but remember, little Freya will always be with you & in all of our hearts. Sending you both lots of love. ❤️ 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 10:57 getekend door:
C.h.i.a.r.a. .&. .L.o.r.e.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian

Unbelievable is the grief you are going through with the loss of your daughter Freya. We wish you much strength.

Henry en Wilma 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 9:40 getekend door:
H.e.n.r.y. .e.n. .W.i.l.m.a.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,
I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Freya. I wish there were words to alleviate your pain. I am sending you lots of strength and love. All our thoughts are with you.
Op 7 februari 2025
om 9:39 getekend door:
M.y.r.i.a.m. .N.e.u.m.a.n.n.
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My deepest condolences to the family, what a horrible loss. 
Op 7 februari 2025
om 9:27 getekend door:
B.a.r.t. .V.e.r.k.o.o.i.j.e.n.
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Dear Rita and Seb,

We are very sorry for this unbelievable loss.
Our deepest condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love,
Eri and Jane 
Op 6 februari 2025
om 20:55 getekend door:
E.r.i.a.n.n.a. .a.n.d. .J.a.n.e.
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Dear family,

Sometimes, when we find ourselves in the middle of the blue ocean and life feels stuck, we return to the warm field, where Freya has always been with us, and love knows no limits.

Roxani & Sarah 
Op 6 februari 2025
om 20:50 getekend door:
R.o.x.a.n.i. .&. .S.a.r.a.h.
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Elk woord bedoeld als troost schiet tekort.
Maar weet dat we erg met jullie meeleven.
Heel veel sterkte gewenst bij het dragen van dit grote verlies.

Liefs, Ad Ans 
Op 6 februari 2025
om 20:50 getekend door:
A.n.s. .v.a.n. .V.r.o.e.n.h.o.v.e.n.
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Paul Andrei
op 4 februari 2025
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4 mei 2025
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Freya Andrei Petracca

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