Freya Andrei Petracca

2 februari 2025 - 2 februari 2025

Your time here was brief, but your presence will echo in our hearts forever.

Il tuo tempo qui è stato breve, ma la tua presenza risuonerà nei nostri cuori per sempre.

Dear Freya,
Though your time with us was way too short, you have your own spot which is forever. You were here for only a moment, yet you will be with us for a lifetime—woven into our hearts, our thoughts, and the love we carry forward.

You were deeply loved, and you always will be.

Cara Freya,

Anche se il tuo tempo con noi è stato troppo breve, hai un posto che è per sempre. Sei stata qui solo per un attimo, eppure sarai con noi per tutta la vita—intessuta nei nostri cuori, nei nostri pensieri e nell’amore che portiamo avanti.

Eri profondamente amata, e lo sarai sempre.
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Dear Sebastian and Rita:

Sometimes life can be so painful. I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart is with you and the same for all the people at the EPS group. We are there to support you with our love during this difficult period. 
Op 11 februari 2025
om 9:26 getekend door:
Y.u.e.m.e.i. .L.i.n.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

Deeply sorry for your loss. There are no words for what you must be feeling and there is nothing that can ease such pain. We wish you strength and love in these difficult times. 
Op 10 februari 2025
om 18:02 getekend door:
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

Sometimes life can be so unfair. I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear about what happened to your little baby girl, Freya. My heart is with you, and I wish you all the strength and love you need during this time. 
Op 10 februari 2025
om 15:50 getekend door:
M.a.r.c. .B.a.g.g.e.l.a.a.r.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,
My sincere condolences on the death of your newborn daughter Freya.
I was shocked to learn of this sad news. This injustice is hard to comprehend, and it is difficult to find the right words to comfort you.
However, I do hope that you both together, supported by your close family and friends, will find the strength to process this grief of loss and dare to look into the future again. I wish you much strength in this difficult process of grieving.
Dirk Rijkers 
Op 10 februari 2025
om 12:30 getekend door:
D.i.r.k. .R.i.j.k.e.r.s.
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E' un angelo di luce e amore. Ti sono vicina. Greta 
Op 10 februari 2025
om 9:57 getekend door:
G.r.e.t.a. .D.i. .M.a.r.c.o.
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In our hearts. 
Op 10 februari 2025
om 8:50 getekend door:
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I was shocked and very sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. I wish you all the strength in this difficult period. 
Op 9 februari 2025
om 20:54 getekend door:
O.l.a.f. .K.l.u.n.g.e.l.
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Dear Rita and Sebastien,
My condolences for the loss of your little girl. It is hard to comprehend the sadness. I wish you strength, my thoughts are with you.
Op 9 februari 2025
om 20:12 getekend door:
R.o.l.a.n.d. .P.i.e.t.e.r.s.
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Dear Rita and Seb,
I’m so sorry. It hurts because it matters.
Wishing you lots of strenght during this difficult period.
John K 
Op 9 februari 2025
om 19:28 getekend door:
J.o.h.n. .K.
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Non penso di poter trovare parole adeguate per il dolore che state vivendo. Quando ho appreso la notizia mi si e’ spezzato il cuore. Se posso fare qualcosa per voi sappiate che sono qui. Il mio pensiero e il mio cuore sono con voi, vi mando il mio piu’ sincero affetto.

Op 9 februari 2025
om 15:26 getekend door:
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I am so sorry, Rita & Sebastian. Freya will forever be in our hearts. Sending you strength and love. 
Op 9 februari 2025
om 14:02 getekend door:
E.d. .T.a.t.e.
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To the wonderful family of Rita, Sebastian and Freya - life has been unfair to not give you a longer deserved time together. We can't begin to feel what you are going through but we wanted to say that we are here, and hope you will count on us for whatever might help you at this difficult time. Vi mandiamo un mondo di bene e abbracci che speriamo di potervi dare presto di persona 
Op 9 februari 2025
om 13:07 getekend door:
E.l.e.n.a. .e. .F.r.a.n.c.e.s.c.o.
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

We are deeply sorry for the loss of your little girl Freya, who was way too short in this world with us...
We are sending you all the strength to get through these difficult times. 
Op 9 februari 2025
om 11:17 getekend door:
D.e.n.n.i.s. .a.n.d. .M.a.r.i.a.
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Your little angel will forever live in our hearts as she’s left an imprint on us that can never be removed. I am thinking of you and sending you all my love. They are no words to express my sorrow. 
Op 8 februari 2025
om 23:47 getekend door:
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If only we could take over a fragment of your sorrow. Or help you find strength. We would.
Inge and Ed 
Op 8 februari 2025
om 21:46 getekend door:
E.d. .M.o.r.e.t.
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Dear Rita and Seb,

I am so sorry for your tragic loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through with the loss of little Freya. No parent should outlive their child, let alone one so young and innocent and so hardly fought for. Words cannot make up for it but know that you have my deepest sympathies. 
Op 8 februari 2025
om 20:31 getekend door:
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Dear Rita and Sebastian,

I’m deeply sorry for your loss. Any word can hardly erase your pain, but please know you are not alone. Wishing you lots of strength. 
Op 8 februari 2025
om 14:45 getekend door:
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Dear family,

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your baby, Frya. A so loved babygirl taken from you, and I cannot imagine the pain you must feel. Whatever you’re feeling, please know you’re not alone. Wishing you lots of strenghts.

with deepest sympathy,
Op 8 februari 2025
om 11:58 getekend door:
R.o.o.s. .M.a.s.e.r.e.e.u.w.
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Dear Sebastian and Rita,
We were shocked when we found out the sad news about your dear Freya. She was in this world for a very short time, but she left an undeniable print on everybody's soul. Her short life touched all our lives. We are thinking of you every day and send you our deepest condolences and with you strength to go through this extremely difficult moment. Love and hugs from us. 
Op 8 februari 2025
om 0:55 getekend door:
M.i.h.a.e.l.a. .a.n.d. .G.a.b.i.
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Sebastian, Rita,

Deeply sorry for your loss. Much strenght in this difficult time.

Op 7 februari 2025
om 22:45 getekend door:
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Paul Andrei
op 4 februari 2025
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Freya Andrei Petracca

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