Slachtoffers terreuraanvallen VS
11 september 2001 - 11 september 2001
Laat uw steunbetuiging achter voor de nabestaanden van de slachtoffers van de terreuraanvallen op de Verenigde Staten.
Vermoedelijk duizenden mensen verloren het leven bij de vliegtuigaanslagen op het World Trade Center in New York en het Pentagon in Washington. Daarnaast zijn enkele honderden slachtoffers gevallen bij de crash van een vierde gekaapt vliegtuig in Pennsylvania.
Het online condoleanceregister voor de slachtoffers van de terreuraanvallen in de Verenigde Staten is vrijdag 28 september 2001 aangeboden aan de waarnemend ambassadeur van de Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag. Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen mogen we daar op dit moment geen foto's van laten zien. Mogelijk verschijnen deze later op de site na toestemming van het ambassadepersoneel.
Vermoedelijk duizenden mensen verloren het leven bij de vliegtuigaanslagen op het World Trade Center in New York en het Pentagon in Washington. Daarnaast zijn enkele honderden slachtoffers gevallen bij de crash van een vierde gekaapt vliegtuig in Pennsylvania.
Het online condoleanceregister voor de slachtoffers van de terreuraanvallen in de Verenigde Staten is vrijdag 28 september 2001 aangeboden aan de waarnemend ambassadeur van de Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag. Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen mogen we daar op dit moment geen foto's van laten zien. Mogelijk verschijnen deze later op de site na toestemming van het ambassadepersoneel.
I'd give my condoleance to all those who's family is missed, I also want to give my greatest respect to all those who have did thier best to search for the injured. You're all great. And when there will be a war, AMERICA will TRIUMPH.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:34 getekend door:
R... .V.l.i.e.g.e.n.
Dit is niet ok
om 21:34 getekend door:
R... .V.l.i.e.g.e.n.
ons medeleven met de slachtoffers, BE STRONG AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:32 getekend door:
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om 21:32 getekend door:
May God bless you and may He gives you the power te gon on!!
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:32 getekend door:
G.e.r.r.i.t. .O.v.e.r.w.e.g.
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om 21:32 getekend door:
G.e.r.r.i.t. .O.v.e.r.w.e.g.
dear friends,
You all are in our prayers every day..
This awful kind of terrorism shall be punished.
We send our condolences to you all who have lost a dear one. We feel your pain and see your tears.
God bless you all !
You all are in our prayers every day..
This awful kind of terrorism shall be punished.
We send our condolences to you all who have lost a dear one. We feel your pain and see your tears.
God bless you all !
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:31 getekend door:
Dit is niet ok
om 21:31 getekend door:
I really dont know what to say but, good luck and be strong to all of those working to clean up find anyone who is left under the rubbel. My thoughts are with you daily.
To those who are now faced missing their loved ones, I pray for you you, and the ones whom you may have lost, or have not been found.
Be strong and know that we here in the Netherlands are with you in our daily prayers
with love Wanda
To those who are now faced missing their loved ones, I pray for you you, and the ones whom you may have lost, or have not been found.
Be strong and know that we here in the Netherlands are with you in our daily prayers
with love Wanda
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:31 getekend door:
Dit is niet ok
om 21:31 getekend door:
respect to all the peeople in America
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:27 getekend door:
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om 21:27 getekend door:
May it never happen again, and may God bless the America people whit there lost of innocent lives.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:26 getekend door:
T.i.n.o. .e.n. .R.i.a. .d.e. .K.o.n.i.n.g.
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om 21:26 getekend door:
T.i.n.o. .e.n. .R.i.a. .d.e. .K.o.n.i.n.g.
in gedachte bij jullie
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:26 getekend door:
r.i.n.y. . .w.i.l.l.e.m.s.e.
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om 21:26 getekend door:
r.i.n.y. . .w.i.l.l.e.m.s.e.
Our thoughts are with those who died and the ones they leave behind.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:25 getekend door:
u.l.r.i.c.,. .s.y.l.v.i.a.,. .i.s.a.b.e.l.l.e.,. .j.e.s.s.e. .e.n. .L.a.r.s.
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om 21:25 getekend door:
u.l.r.i.c.,. .s.y.l.v.i.a.,. .i.s.a.b.e.l.l.e.,. .j.e.s.s.e. .e.n. .L.a.r.s.
Mijn medeleven voor de slachtoffers en vermisten en voor hun familieleden. Maar ik hoop niet dat er hierdoor een oorlog ontstaat.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:25 getekend door:
W... .v.a.n. .d.e.r. .m.e.u.l.e.n.
Dit is niet ok
om 21:25 getekend door:
W... .v.a.n. .d.e.r. .m.e.u.l.e.n.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:24 getekend door:
R.i.a.n. .v.a.n. .G.a.a.l.
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om 21:24 getekend door:
R.i.a.n. .v.a.n. .G.a.a.l.
Keep the faith,know that i'm thinking about you all.Everything will be alright again, it will take some time ,so i will say it again: Keep the faith. With love and sorrow Bianca
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:20 getekend door:
b.i.a.n.c.a. .t.r.i.j.z.e.l.a.a.r.
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om 21:20 getekend door:
b.i.a.n.c.a. .t.r.i.j.z.e.l.a.a.r.
Please,never again.
god bless you all.
god bless you all.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:17 getekend door:
A.r.j.e.n. .P.e.t.e.r.s...
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om 21:17 getekend door:
A.r.j.e.n. .P.e.t.e.r.s...
My thoughts and prayers go out to all
the people in the United States of America who've lost somebody at the
disaster at the W.T.C. and the plane-
crash in Boston, although we humans
can't understand the meaning of this
kind of things, we surely can pray for
the family, friends, neighbours, parents,
kids and collegs off those who died on 11 September 2001, and pray for a
world without terror and war in the future... (The only thing we can do is Think about the victims and pray for a better and peacefull world...)
So that they who died, didn't die for notting, but died for a purpose... The purpose for freedom and peace all arround the globe...
the people in the United States of America who've lost somebody at the
disaster at the W.T.C. and the plane-
crash in Boston, although we humans
can't understand the meaning of this
kind of things, we surely can pray for
the family, friends, neighbours, parents,
kids and collegs off those who died on 11 September 2001, and pray for a
world without terror and war in the future... (The only thing we can do is Think about the victims and pray for a better and peacefull world...)
So that they who died, didn't die for notting, but died for a purpose... The purpose for freedom and peace all arround the globe...
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:17 getekend door:
H... .M.a.s.t.e.n.b.r.o.e.k.
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om 21:17 getekend door:
H... .M.a.s.t.e.n.b.r.o.e.k.
It was my wifes birthday september 11th. This date will never be a normal day again. We wish you a lot of strength over there in the USA. And we hope that the ones who did this to you, your people and your children will be punnished. Please let them feel what you feel. Destroy the internatioal terrorism.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:15 getekend door:
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om 21:15 getekend door:
Vrienden,Uw verdriet is ook ons verdriet.Heel veel sterkte in deze moeilijke periode.God zij met U.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:12 getekend door:
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om 21:12 getekend door:
Only one question goes through my mind all the time: WHY?
I wish all the people who have lost their love-ones the strenght to go on. We're crying and praying with all of you, 24 hours a day.
I wish all the people who have lost their love-ones the strenght to go on. We're crying and praying with all of you, 24 hours a day.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:10 getekend door:
A.n.g.e.l.i.q.u.e. .d.e. .L.e.e.u.w.
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om 21:10 getekend door:
A.n.g.e.l.i.q.u.e. .d.e. .L.e.e.u.w.
Wij vinden het heel erg wat er is gebeurt en wensen alle betrokkenen veel sterkte toe.
De hulpverleners vinden wij echte helden dat ze zo lang doorgaan en die verdienen een pluim.
Verder moet Amerika doen wat hen te doen staat.
Wij staan achter hun.
De hulpverleners vinden wij echte helden dat ze zo lang doorgaan en die verdienen een pluim.
Verder moet Amerika doen wat hen te doen staat.
Wij staan achter hun.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:10 getekend door:
v.a.n. .v.l.i.e.t. ./. .k.a.s.t.a.r.t.
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om 21:10 getekend door:
v.a.n. .v.l.i.e.t. ./. .k.a.s.t.a.r.t.
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:03 getekend door:
Dit is niet ok
om 21:03 getekend door:
I want to express my condolences to all the people who have lost family, friends or others in the big disasters in Manhattan and Washington and Pittsburgh.
What happened was terrible and it must be hard to be the one who is left behind. A song that I know expresses that and this is how it goes.
" I still cry sometimes when I remember you
I still cry sometimes when I hear your name
I said goodbye and I know you're allright now
But when the leaves start falling down I still cry."
It's just a part of the song "I still cry" from Ilse DeLange.
If you are the one who's left behind, you will cry and you will miss your loved one, but remember there's a better place where they will be.
May God comfort you and help you through these bad times.
With respect,
Yvette from the Netherlands
What happened was terrible and it must be hard to be the one who is left behind. A song that I know expresses that and this is how it goes.
" I still cry sometimes when I remember you
I still cry sometimes when I hear your name
I said goodbye and I know you're allright now
But when the leaves start falling down I still cry."
It's just a part of the song "I still cry" from Ilse DeLange.
If you are the one who's left behind, you will cry and you will miss your loved one, but remember there's a better place where they will be.
May God comfort you and help you through these bad times.
With respect,
Yvette from the Netherlands
Op 17 september 2001
om 21:03 getekend door:
y.v.e.t.t.e. .k.l.o.m.p.
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om 21:03 getekend door:
y.v.e.t.t.e. .k.l.o.m.p.
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