Queen Elizabeth 2 Windsor
21 april 1926 - 8 september 2022
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (Londen, 21 april 1926 – Balmoral Castle, 8 september 2022) was als Elizabeth II van 6 februari 1952 tot haar overlijden op 8 september 2022 koningin van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland, Canada, Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland. Tevens was zij staatshoofd van twaalf Commonwealth realms die in de loop van haar koningschap onafhankelijk werden, namelijk; Jamaica, de Bahama's, Grenada, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea, de Salomonseilanden, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent en de Grenadines, Antigua en Barbuda, Belize en Saint Kitts en Nevis. Ze was de vierde monarch van de Windsor-dynastie.
Elizabeth was vanaf 20 november 1947 getrouwd met Philip Mountbatten, een Griekse prins die in 1947 de Britse nationaliteit verkreeg. Zij waren verre verwanten. Beiden waren nakomelingen van koningin Victoria (hun betovergrootmoeder). Philip was een achterkleinzoon van de dochter van koningin Victoria, prinses Alice, en Elizabeth was een achterkleindochter van Alices broer, koning Edward VII. Beiden stamden ook af van koning Christiaan IX van Denemarken, Philip in de mannelijke lijn en Elizabeth via haar overgrootmoeder koningin Alexandra, dochter van Christiaan IX en echtgenote van koning Edward VII van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de overgrootvader van Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was vanaf 20 november 1947 getrouwd met Philip Mountbatten, een Griekse prins die in 1947 de Britse nationaliteit verkreeg. Zij waren verre verwanten. Beiden waren nakomelingen van koningin Victoria (hun betovergrootmoeder). Philip was een achterkleinzoon van de dochter van koningin Victoria, prinses Alice, en Elizabeth was een achterkleindochter van Alices broer, koning Edward VII. Beiden stamden ook af van koning Christiaan IX van Denemarken, Philip in de mannelijke lijn en Elizabeth via haar overgrootmoeder koningin Alexandra, dochter van Christiaan IX en echtgenote van koning Edward VII van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de overgrootvader van Elizabeth.
My deepest, heartfelt sympathy on the passing of Her Majesty.
Op 11 september 2022
om 12:55 getekend door:
C.h.r.i.s.t.i.n.e. .v.a.n. .R.o.o.n.
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om 12:55 getekend door:
C.h.r.i.s.t.i.n.e. .v.a.n. .R.o.o.n.
With deeply respect and love I will remember your Mother and Queen.
That She may rest in Peace.
Gods Peace .
That She may rest in Peace.
Gods Peace .
Op 11 september 2022
om 12:19 getekend door:
H.e.n.n.i.e. .D.i.j.k.s.t.r.a.
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om 12:19 getekend door:
H.e.n.n.i.e. .D.i.j.k.s.t.r.a.
Met veel respect voor een fantastische koningin wil ik haar familie en andere dierbaren condoleren met hun verlies
Op 11 september 2022
om 12:16 getekend door:
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om 12:16 getekend door:
So sorry about the loss of Queen Elizabeth. She was beautiful, lovely, caring, cute and funny. She represented the values and norms that have always been close to our hearts. Royal family and British people, please carry on to be real British with your traditions, humor, politeness and civilization. We love you! We wish you al lot of strength.
Op 11 september 2022
om 12:06 getekend door:
A.n.i.t.a. .M.i.n.k.
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om 12:06 getekend door:
A.n.i.t.a. .M.i.n.k.
Riposa in pace Regina
Op 11 september 2022
om 12:00 getekend door:
A.n.t.o.n. .P.o.r.c.u.
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om 12:00 getekend door:
A.n.t.o.n. .P.o.r.c.u.
ik wens de hele familie veel sterke en hoop dat ze steun aan elkaar hebben
Op 11 september 2022
om 11:41 getekend door:
t.i.n.e.k.e. .t.e.u.n.i.s.s.e.n.
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om 11:41 getekend door:
t.i.n.e.k.e. .t.e.u.n.i.s.s.e.n.
Rest in peace. Family checked and strength in this difficult time
Op 11 september 2022
om 11:02 getekend door:
A. .d.e. .W.i.t.
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om 11:02 getekend door:
A. .d.e. .W.i.t.
My dearest condoleances for the total Windsor family with the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a remarkable person as far as we have seen and know.
Good luck and wisdom to King Charles III being the new head of state of the United Kingdom
Good luck and wisdom to King Charles III being the new head of state of the United Kingdom
Op 11 september 2022
om 10:55 getekend door:
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om 10:55 getekend door:
Dear Majesty, thank you for all you have done. The respect for all different people you showed everywhere around the world. Bringing peace among all people and give the feeling you are a grandma for everyone, above all you were a great mother and grandmother for your own children. Thank you for serving your country so long in good and bad times.
Rest in peace and my condolances to the family.
Rest in peace and my condolances to the family.
Op 11 september 2022
om 9:27 getekend door:
F.r.a.n.k. .L.o.o.t.s.
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om 9:27 getekend door:
F.r.a.n.k. .L.o.o.t.s.
All famelies are going to a rough time if someone dies.
You had the good fortune of knowing her a long time, al do it doesn't make things easier. Knowing the world is supporting you with prayers in diverent religions. The hard parts are still coming. I hope you'll wil be able to feel and let that feeling showing to all that wants you to get the strength to get to the days to come. And the strength of a family will help you during times like this.
You had the good fortune of knowing her a long time, al do it doesn't make things easier. Knowing the world is supporting you with prayers in diverent religions. The hard parts are still coming. I hope you'll wil be able to feel and let that feeling showing to all that wants you to get the strength to get to the days to come. And the strength of a family will help you during times like this.
Op 11 september 2022
om 5:52 getekend door:
C.a.r.l.a. .v.a.n. .S.t.a.v.e.r.e.n.
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om 5:52 getekend door:
C.a.r.l.a. .v.a.n. .S.t.a.v.e.r.e.n.
There was only one English rose. Dianna
Op 11 september 2022
om 2:45 getekend door:
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om 2:45 getekend door:
Dear Majesty, I have always loved the royal family, even though I do not live in England but in the Netherlands. Have deep respect for you, and will miss you terribly. You have done so much for your country and for the world. My thanks for that. Rest now.
Op 10 september 2022
om 23:43 getekend door:
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om 23:43 getekend door:
Rip ma'am
Op 10 september 2022
om 22:39 getekend door:
L.e.e. .s.t.e.e.l.
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om 22:39 getekend door:
L.e.e. .s.t.e.e.l.
To Your Majesty, King Charles III, and all members of the Royal family, I send my sincere condolences on the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Although I have lived in The Netherlands for many years, part of my heart has always remained in the country of my birth, England. And the death of Her Majesty has touched me deeply. May the sharp corners of your grief eventually become smoother, and may God give you the strength to carry the burden now placed on your shoulders.
Op 10 september 2022
om 22:23 getekend door:
M.w. .D.o.r.i.s. .M. .W.i.e.r.s.m.a. .C.l.o.u.t.i.n.g.
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om 22:23 getekend door:
M.w. .D.o.r.i.s. .M. .W.i.e.r.s.m.a. .C.l.o.u.t.i.n.g.
Mijn welgemeende condoleance aan de nabestaanden van queen Elizabeth.RIP Queen ELIZABETH.
Op 10 september 2022
om 21:41 getekend door:
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om 21:41 getekend door:
Dear H.M., Dear R. Family,
My most sincere Condoleances for Your and Common Wealth's huge loss and memorable kind hearted figure, Who put Her light with the best intentions and influence all over the world. Alas, the Face of Great Britain's 20th-21st Century may be no more, but we should remember Her in our hearts.
My most sincere Condoleances for Your and Common Wealth's huge loss and memorable kind hearted figure, Who put Her light with the best intentions and influence all over the world. Alas, the Face of Great Britain's 20th-21st Century may be no more, but we should remember Her in our hearts.
Op 10 september 2022
om 21:15 getekend door:
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om 21:15 getekend door:
In this way I would like to express my sincere condolences on the passing of Queen Elisabeth.
I wish her children and partners, her grandchildren and partners and great-grandchildren strength coping with this great loss.
I wish her children and partners, her grandchildren and partners and great-grandchildren strength coping with this great loss.
Op 10 september 2022
om 21:09 getekend door:
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om 21:09 getekend door:
My dearest condoleances for you and your family
Goodluck being the new reign of the whole United Kingdom
Goodluck being the new reign of the whole United Kingdom
Op 10 september 2022
om 20:44 getekend door:
M.a.r.i.j.k.e. .H.o.d.d.e.
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om 20:44 getekend door:
M.a.r.i.j.k.e. .H.o.d.d.e.
my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother, the queen of England. I wish you and yours strength in these days of sorrow. god save the king
Op 10 september 2022
om 20:38 getekend door:
M.a.r.i.e.-.J.o.s.e. .L.u.w.e.m.a.
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om 20:38 getekend door:
M.a.r.i.e.-.J.o.s.e. .L.u.w.e.m.a.
From the deepest depths of my heart, i give my most sincerest condoleances to Queen Elizabeth. One of the most sympathetic and beloved women of all time. Rest in peace, you'll never walk alone.
Op 10 september 2022
om 20:24 getekend door:
L.o.r.e.n.z.o. .C.o.l.l.e.n.s.
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om 20:24 getekend door:
L.o.r.e.n.z.o. .C.o.l.l.e.n.s.
Een blijvende herinnering aan:
Queen Elizabeth 2 Windsor
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