Queen Elizabeth 2 Windsor
21 april 1926 - 8 september 2022
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (Londen, 21 april 1926 – Balmoral Castle, 8 september 2022) was als Elizabeth II van 6 februari 1952 tot haar overlijden op 8 september 2022 koningin van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland, Canada, Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland. Tevens was zij staatshoofd van twaalf Commonwealth realms die in de loop van haar koningschap onafhankelijk werden, namelijk; Jamaica, de Bahama's, Grenada, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea, de Salomonseilanden, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent en de Grenadines, Antigua en Barbuda, Belize en Saint Kitts en Nevis. Ze was de vierde monarch van de Windsor-dynastie.
Elizabeth was vanaf 20 november 1947 getrouwd met Philip Mountbatten, een Griekse prins die in 1947 de Britse nationaliteit verkreeg. Zij waren verre verwanten. Beiden waren nakomelingen van koningin Victoria (hun betovergrootmoeder). Philip was een achterkleinzoon van de dochter van koningin Victoria, prinses Alice, en Elizabeth was een achterkleindochter van Alices broer, koning Edward VII. Beiden stamden ook af van koning Christiaan IX van Denemarken, Philip in de mannelijke lijn en Elizabeth via haar overgrootmoeder koningin Alexandra, dochter van Christiaan IX en echtgenote van koning Edward VII van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de overgrootvader van Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was vanaf 20 november 1947 getrouwd met Philip Mountbatten, een Griekse prins die in 1947 de Britse nationaliteit verkreeg. Zij waren verre verwanten. Beiden waren nakomelingen van koningin Victoria (hun betovergrootmoeder). Philip was een achterkleinzoon van de dochter van koningin Victoria, prinses Alice, en Elizabeth was een achterkleindochter van Alices broer, koning Edward VII. Beiden stamden ook af van koning Christiaan IX van Denemarken, Philip in de mannelijke lijn en Elizabeth via haar overgrootmoeder koningin Alexandra, dochter van Christiaan IX en echtgenote van koning Edward VII van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de overgrootvader van Elizabeth.
Your majesty.
The end of a timeline. For a lot of people you’re the face off the uk. When I think of the uk I see you. It’s one of the less countries with a face that never changed. You gave us your peace, your professionalism your kindness just to be you. I hope you will Rest In Peace.
“Kind words can be short & easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”(mother Theresa)
Lots of love and strength for your beloved ones
The end of a timeline. For a lot of people you’re the face off the uk. When I think of the uk I see you. It’s one of the less countries with a face that never changed. You gave us your peace, your professionalism your kindness just to be you. I hope you will Rest In Peace.
“Kind words can be short & easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”(mother Theresa)
Lots of love and strength for your beloved ones
Op 14 september 2022
om 19:57 getekend door:
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om 19:57 getekend door:
Your Majesty,
Thank you for all you have done for the UK and for the world. For being a stable factor in the lives of millions of people and a guide. You will be very much missed.
May you Rest In Peace.
My condolences to all members of the Royal Family.
Thank you for all you have done for the UK and for the world. For being a stable factor in the lives of millions of people and a guide. You will be very much missed.
May you Rest In Peace.
My condolences to all members of the Royal Family.
Op 14 september 2022
om 18:42 getekend door:
J.a.c.q.u.e.l.i.n.e. .v.a.n. .d.e.n. .A.k.k.e.r.
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om 18:42 getekend door:
J.a.c.q.u.e.l.i.n.e. .v.a.n. .d.e.n. .A.k.k.e.r.
Rest in peace dear Majesty, thank you.
Never forgotten.
Never forgotten.
Op 14 september 2022
om 17:13 getekend door:
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om 17:13 getekend door:
Dear Queen,
You passed away at home in Scotland, you’re tranquil place. Today you left you’re work palace. Your tasks are complete now. Thank you so very much for all you did for the Uk and beyond . You were a inspiration for woman all over the word.
You’ll be so missed. May you rest in peace 💝
You passed away at home in Scotland, you’re tranquil place. Today you left you’re work palace. Your tasks are complete now. Thank you so very much for all you did for the Uk and beyond . You were a inspiration for woman all over the word.
You’ll be so missed. May you rest in peace 💝
Op 14 september 2022
om 17:12 getekend door:
M.a.n.o.n. .m.e.n.s.i.n.k.
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om 17:12 getekend door:
M.a.n.o.n. .m.e.n.s.i.n.k.
You Will be missed Ma'm. The UK will not be the same without you. My condolances to the family
Op 14 september 2022
om 17:12 getekend door:
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om 17:12 getekend door:
Rest in peace daer queen Elisabeth. We loved you.
Op 14 september 2022
om 17:00 getekend door:
H. .B.a.k.k.e.r.
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om 17:00 getekend door:
H. .B.a.k.k.e.r.
Dear queen, thank you for al what you did for your country, the people and many times at the lasser way for your family. To give up so many thinks in your live and you loved ones makes you a bit an angel with you now are. Back with your beloved Piliiph and near te rainbow. Have your peace now and enjoy the horses and dogs overthere. With all my love and respect.
Rest in peace.
Rest in peace.
Op 14 september 2022
om 17:00 getekend door:
P.a.u.l.i.n.e. .G.o.e.s.
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om 17:00 getekend door:
P.a.u.l.i.n.e. .G.o.e.s.
Thank you for everything Queen Elizabeth II. I will miss you.
Op 14 september 2022
om 15:49 getekend door:
T.a.n.j.a. .B.e.c.k.e.r.s.
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om 15:49 getekend door:
T.a.n.j.a. .B.e.c.k.e.r.s.
My dear queen Elizabeth. May you rest in peace. We are all proud of you. Now sit beside your beloved husband on a rainbow in heaven. I wish your family strength in these sad ttimes. Love from Enny and Ferry in Almere, the netherlands.
Op 14 september 2022
om 14:56 getekend door:
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om 14:56 getekend door:
Rest in peace. Thank you for everything I visit London with my daughter as tourist,dear Majesty. A beautiful country and also London.
Op 14 september 2022
om 14:02 getekend door:
A.c.k.e.r.m.a.n... .R.o.e.l.s. .B.e.a.t.r.i.c.e.
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om 14:02 getekend door:
A.c.k.e.r.m.a.n... .R.o.e.l.s. .B.e.a.t.r.i.c.e.
Rest in peace. Thank you for all this long years. Years within you were always present.
Op 14 september 2022
om 12:47 getekend door:
M...v...d... .K.r.o.e.f.
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om 12:47 getekend door:
M...v...d... .K.r.o.e.f.
Rest in peace Queen Elisabeth.You will be misted all over the world because.Thank you for everything.
Op 14 september 2022
om 12:12 getekend door:
P.a.t.r.i.c.i.a. .B.e.r.k.e.l.o.u.w.
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om 12:12 getekend door:
P.a.t.r.i.c.i.a. .B.e.r.k.e.l.o.u.w.
From being born a child then to Princess from there became Queen.from a daughter to sister from there to mother,Grandmother, great grandmother, after all this to go on to be a wife once again at the side of her dear Prince Philip to be his and the worlds Angel,'your journey fully accomplished' God bless you Queen Elizebeth and all of your family
Op 13 september 2022
om 23:48 getekend door:
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om 23:48 getekend door:
I would like to wish the whole Royal Family strength in this difficult time. Dear Majesty was a great Lady for us all. I also wish His Majesty all my best wishes for his futher reign.
Op 13 september 2022
om 23:18 getekend door:
M.a.d.e.l.e.i.n.e. .T.a.y.l.o.r.-.v.a.n. .H.a.r.m.e.l.e.n.
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om 23:18 getekend door:
M.a.d.e.l.e.i.n.e. .T.a.y.l.o.r.-.v.a.n. .H.a.r.m.e.l.e.n.
Dear Royal Family of Britain i visit persenal the sity of London as toerist of the Netherlands Rotterdam birthplace in 2017 and stand in front of the Buckingham Palace ,the Palace of Queen Elisabeth after a long travel and see the Majestic bulding and red gards amazing how big ,condolized with the dead of the Queen in the age of 96 year ,se whas a great Queen and persoon ,God blesson,s
Op 13 september 2022
om 22:58 getekend door:
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om 22:58 getekend door:
Gelieve Queen
Dank je wel voor u jaren die u gegeven heb voor mens en dier... Rust in vrede 🙏
From TILBURG the Netherlands 🕯️🌟🕯️❤️
Dank je wel voor u jaren die u gegeven heb voor mens en dier... Rust in vrede 🙏
From TILBURG the Netherlands 🕯️🌟🕯️❤️
Op 13 september 2022
om 22:46 getekend door:
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om 22:46 getekend door:
Dear Majesty,
Thanks for all your services and everything you did for The Great Britain.
Rest In peace.
From the Netherlands 🙏🏼
Thanks for all your services and everything you did for The Great Britain.
Rest In peace.
From the Netherlands 🙏🏼
Op 13 september 2022
om 22:02 getekend door:
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om 22:02 getekend door:
Dear Queen I am gonna miss you.I have deep respect for what you have done in your live.For all the difficult choises you have to make.You are an icoon in this world en I will never forget you.Love from Marinka from Holland 😘
Op 13 september 2022
om 21:54 getekend door:
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om 21:54 getekend door:
Rest in peace, Queen Elisabeth.
My sincere condolences to the Royal family and the people of Great Brittain.
My sincere condolences to the Royal family and the people of Great Brittain.
Op 13 september 2022
om 21:47 getekend door:
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om 21:47 getekend door:
With deep respect for your lifetime
work, love and care,
Vaar Wel
work, love and care,
Vaar Wel
Op 13 september 2022
om 21:42 getekend door:
B.r.i.g.i.t.t.e. .N.i.j.k.e.r.k.
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om 21:42 getekend door:
B.r.i.g.i.t.t.e. .N.i.j.k.e.r.k.
Een blijvende herinnering aan:
Queen Elizabeth 2 Windsor
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